
作品に触れると優しい気持ちに包まれ元気になれる さかいみるの描く絵画世界。その世界を絵本にした「メチャくん絵本」を無料で東日本被災地の子供たちへお贈りしよう。という考えで2011年3月14日に夫婦ふたりから始まった活動が「絵本deえがお」です。全国の応援してくださる方々からの活動支援参加費と絵本のご購入収益で毎年、新作絵本を印刷して無料でお届けしています。配布は、五十音順に、岩手県の 宮古信用金庫さん、福島県の あぶくま信用金庫さん、たんぽぽサロンさん、宮城県の 石巻信用金庫さん、気仙沼信用金庫さん、のびすく仙台さん、のびすく若林さん、そして、個人の有志の方々によって行われています。

ネパールでは、ネパール語に翻訳され現地で印刷され、ネパール事務所から、病院、学校、図書館、孤児院、各団体に手渡され、そこから子供たちへ。またネパール各地を巡回する移動図書館BOOK BUSでも読まれています。




絵本deえがお 最新の記事はFacebookの Metcha for Smile のページからご覧いただけます。

Through a project “Ehon de Egao” we have a passionate vision to support children around the world to bring smiles on their faces.

Ehon de Egao (Metcha Books for Your Smile) Bio

“Ehon de Egao” is a humanitarian project started by a couple in 2011. Unprecedented scale of earthquake hit Eastern Japan on 11th March 2011, Mil and Shuichi Sakai came up with an idea of distributing heart-warming Metcha Books (story picture books) made by an artist Mil in the disaster-hit area. They knew a potential of healing property found in Metcha Books as each time they released new works of Mil, many audience came up to them and told that “I felt better and revived after viewing Mil’s work”.
By this project Miru is newly making “Metcha The Black Cat And His Friends” named Metcha Books series every year. By our supporters all over Japan and some other countries, we are providing these books by free to Eastern Japan, and Nepal where has been hit by big earth quake. Now the total amount has become 140,510 books.
“Ehon de Egao” is recognized as a humanitarian project (within a framework of 3.11 reconstruction project) and archived permanently by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in 2015. 

A powerful earthquake hit Nepal in 2015. We decided to start distributing Metcha Books in Nepal. As the project went on, people started requesting to read Metcha Books in their own language. We come to meet a group of local volunteers to realize the “Ehon de Egao Nepal” called “Metcha For Your Smile Nepal”, participated by a local poet who understands Japanese took a part in translation, a local publishing company to minimize the cost of shipping books from Japan, a team of web & font designers, story tellers and people who distribute books to schools in the region. Now Metcha books are mainly distributed to Nepalese children who are difficult to get lovely picture books in Nepal.
Mil has been visiting Nepal 5 time since 2015, she is also distributing the books to the local school kids with them. 

People around the world have started to notice our project in Nepal. Through these experiences we come to believe that Metcha Books can reach out and resonate to all walks of life around the world and bring them emotional relief and vitality.

絵本deえがお代表 境修一郎と メチャくん絵本作家さかいみる 夫妻
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